Corpfin.Net Express

Online Corporate Finance Software

Corpfin.Net is an interactive, secure web site that hosts online, easy-to-use, fully integrated corporate finance software for forecasting, valuing and analyzing businesses.

Our corporate finance software is designed to suit the "development stage" of the business being forecasted, valued and analyzed.

We define business "development stage" in terms of the amount of historical financial information (annual income statements and balance sheets) available for use in creating a financial forecast. Those development stages are: established; early stage; start-up; and publicly traded.

Established Businesses

Operating businesses with one or (preferably) more years of historical annual income statements and balance sheets.

Established Business Overviews

Early Stage Businesses

Operating businesses with historical income statements and balance sheets covering less than an annual period.

Early Stage Business Overviews

Start-Up Businesses

Planned new business ventures with no operating history.

Start-Up Business Overviews

Public Companies

Businesses whose shares are traded on a public stock exchange.

Public Company Overviews

Corporate Finance Analysis

Our corporate finance models address many of the essential and extremely important financial analysis tasks performed by middle market companies and their advisors, including commercial and investment bankers.

Based on assumptions provided by the user, our corporate finance models help members do the following: